Funeral and Interment Arrangements for Pauline Lawing

5/4 Wendell Byrd will send obit/announcement to Nashville papers for Thursday before services.

Bryan Walls to also contact Huntsville Times and Advertiser Gleam?

5/6 Out-of-town Family and Friends staying in Opryland Hotel
5/7 Family invited to lunch at Woodson Chapel Church of Christ at noon. Need headcount by Tuesday, 5/2.
Funeral at Woodbine Hickory Chapel with Wendell Byrd and Wesley Walker officiating
Out-of-town Family and Friends staying at Embassy Suites in Huntsville, Alabama Sunday night and Monday night (5/7 – 5/9)
5/8 Interment at Kennemer Cemetery (New Hope, Alabama) (it’s on Google Maps) with Alice Syltie officiating
On north side of Butler Mill Road in Madison County
10:30 am
3045 Mountain Cove Blvd SE, Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763
3:00 pm at Ken Jones’ Farm, telecon with Wes Head and Ron, Dickie, Peggy, Bryan, Russ, Doug, Greg, and Alan to discuss tax implications of inheritance/TOD accounts.
In lieu of flowers, consider a contribution to Alzheimers Association or Healing Hands International.

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